Exclusive Interview: Wilmarie –The Baddest of The Bad Girls Club
May 12, 2011 7:15 am BE'N ORIGINAL Urban Ink Magazine
Unless you’ve been under a rock, you have at least heard of the Oxygen Network’s infamous Bad Girls Club. . Whether partying with friends or schooling a roommate on mutual respect using a lamp or stilettos, one cast member stood out above the rest. Introducing Wilmarie Sena, the undisputed sexy free spirited brawler of Season Six. Let’s get ready to rumble.
How did being a Bad Girl compare to what you had seen on television? It’s kind of what you see on TV exactly, but it’s a little bit more because it’s in a controlled environment and there are rules like any reality TV show. It’s not like you’re running wild with them filming you. It’s like okay these are the places you can go to. It’s a little bit controlled. The weird part was having the camera crews following you 24/7 and all that. My thought as far as the girls… I knew there would be girls being bitchy and stuff.
Did you experience any privacy issues as far as with the editing process? Were there things that you thought shouldn’t have been incorporated? I actually feel like some girls complain, “Ah I was edited wrong.” The way I am on TV is exactly the way I am in person, so the editing was great for me. It’s also not the editing – it’s you. They tell you that in the beginning. They say: we don’t edit anything. It’s how you act so that’s going to be how you’re portrayed. I wasn’t acting. I was being myself, so you see me as me.
A lot of the fans thought that you kept it one hundred throughout the entire show. I didn’t go there as a caricature. Some people, they’re like, “I’m gonna go and be a bitch.” But I’m like, I’m going to go there, I’m going to be me. I’m going to have fun. I said it was going to be my vacation time, and that’s what it was.
Were you surprised by some of the things that occurred while you weren’t around? When certain people say certain things… the thing about that house was whoever had a problem or an issue, they would tell you to your face. So I don’t know what I haven’t heard because the girls already told me to my face. No one ever said anything negative about me. The only one – Nikki – so I wasn’t surprised.
Okay. Now that the show’s over, I kind of already know the answer to this question because I’ve been following you on Twitter. But is there any possibility that your friendship with Nikki could be salvaged? Oh hell no. NO. Nikki and I will never be friends. One reason is because she’s a baby. I’ve said it before. Lauren gave her a chance and she would talk shit behind her back. I already know how to tell personalities, I know she’s not being 100 % with people, and she’s never 100% with you. A person like that, I don’t want in my life at all. She’s very negative.
She put her hands one me. Anyone in my life who has ever put their hands on me, I’m never going to let them get close enough to do that again. She scratched me. I don’t like that -especially being scratched. If she would have punched me, I wouldn’t care but she scratched me because she couldn’t do anything else and actually left marks.
You showed a great deal of restraint in the limo. You had those stilettos on and you could have ended it all. You know, the editing is crazy because the fight was way longer than that and a lot of stuff happened in the limo. There was more than that. I guess they can’t show everything that happened in there, but there was more whoop-ass in the limo than they showed.
Well now that you have established yourself – from all the fights we’ve seen, it was really one-sided. Do you find people challenging you in the streets? No. I feel like that’s Nikki’s problem, not mine because I wasn’t acting tough. The only reason I reacted like that was because of the way she kept pushing me. It wasn’t like I was acting tough in the house. I wasn’t at all. I was sweet to everyone until they disrespected me.
How have your family and friends reacted to the show? They love it because they feel like I’m being. So my friends love it and my family they love it as well. They didn’t edit me into being different than I am. The only thing they hate is when some people write negative stuff on Twitter. But I tell them it’s only like 5% compared to the 95% positive comments or posts.
Your Hispanic background was prominently mentioned throughout the series, have you run into people who felt it was a false representation? No! Everyone thinks I represented Hispanics the right way. I’m just getting a lot of positive responses.
Are there any reality shows in your future? What are you planning to do from here? Some work… maybe for my own show hopefully – crossing fingers. And more stuff’s gonna happen.
Are you looking to take the “I Love New York’” route where you’re going to have guys contesting for your love? No, I don’t think I could do that. I don’t think I could be in a love show or have my own love show. I don’t think I would like that, but who knows?
You’re popular. We polled people and you’re pretty much one of the favorite characters on the show. You know, we were all surprised at how it turned out… all this positive stuff. You know when you’re seeing it, you’re like “Wow, this is how it unfolds,” you know? It’s pretty crazy, but it’s good that it came out like this with a positive result – that everyone favors me and says I kept it one hundred, which I did.
Are you going into other areas of the entertainment industry? Can we see you singing, rapping, or anything like that? Yeah there’s a lot of stuff. I don’t even know if I can talk about it, but someone hit me up to… I don’t want to do the video stuff, but this person is pretty big and they wanted me to be a lead role so I said yeah. I want to do movies… It’s in the works. Zombie movies and horror movies – that’s what I want to do.
Well, one thing for sure – you know you can fight. (Laughs) I guess. I would love to do like action movies. That would be fun.
So now, let me ask you some more personal questions. Are you currently dating anyone? If so, has being on the show affected your personal relationships? I really wasn’t trying to be on the show talking about my sugar daddy. He was in jail and stuff – they didn’t mention that. That person just came out, so it’s hard for him to understand that I’m on this new path. But, I’m not in a relationship at all. I haven’t been in one for a long time.
How should a guy approach you if he sees you in the club? I hate the lines. I hate the guys that are like, “Yo what’s up ma, you’re so beautiful” – I hate that. I like guys that are goofy and willing to be themselves. Don’t try and play games because I can tell. I’m 28 years old, I’ve been through all the game so I know what’s real and what’s fake out there like who wants a booty call and who wants to have a relationship. So if you want to booty call, you should just be like “Yeah I wanna fuck.” At least I’ll give you props for being honest.
What would you consider your best quality that you bring into a relationship? I usually give 100% when I’m in a relationship. I’ll do anything for that person. If they need help with something I’m like their right hand man. That’s why they call me rough rider – because I ride or die. That’s what all my friends say. That’s how I am with my friends and with my partner.
Would you consider repairing your friendship with Jen from Jersey? Oh no! There are no problems with me and Jen… Me and Jen, we bumped into each other at a club and gave each other the stink eye and just like worked it out. We’re good.
At the end of the day, how do you feel about this whole experience overall? This whole experience has been great. The thing is, we didn’t take anything to heart. It was vacation time. I just went out there to party, to drink, to have fun, and that is exactly what I did. All the girls and I were really close. The only person I actually don’t get along with is Nikki and I feel like she’s irrelevant to me. I really don’t care.
How’s your relationship with Char and Lauren at this point? Well Lauren is great. I love that girl. Me and her are really close. With Char it’s like “Hey, what’s up.” When we bump into each other, we say “what’s going on.” We don’t text or call every day. We don’t see each other. We bump into each other and say hello but nothing big. I respect her, she respects me.
Yeah, right. We saw that throughout the show. We’re two different types of people. Age-wise we’re the same age, but she’s different than I am. I’m more free-spirited, outgoing and party party party; she’s more focused on a brand. And I’m not like that.
What kind of role do you think alcohol had as far as Nikki? It seemed like she was okay until she got some alcohol in her. Yeah, we used to call her Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because Nikki in the morning would be fine. They don’t show how she would sit back in the morning all calm. At nighttime, when she had some alcohol in her she wanted to start stuff. That’s why I would call her the hulk because she would change out of nowhere. She’s bipolar, she really is.
Again, you said this: no possibility of you guys ever being friends ever? No. She’s too fake for me. I don’t like fake people.